Best Practice -1


Title of the Practice:

Eco-Friendly and green campus


Objectives of the Practice:

The main objective of this is to understand the challenges of climate change that the world is facing today. Global efforts are being made by people of all ages and spheres to combat the crisis and raise awareness for a better and healthy future. Young children, like Greta Thunberg, have become the beacon of hope for the new generation to take proactive measures for suitability and raising environmental awareness. We have also undertaken many practices to make sure we contribute to the cause and teach our students the importance of being socially and environmentally conscious.



Environmental conscious administration, the management and the students of the college look after the environment carefully. Every year, during rainy season, we do tree plantation and carefully look after it. It’s our own responsibility to preserve the work done on the campus related to the environment. To make the campus eco friendly decisions were taken to plant trees, replace tube lights and bulbs to save energy, to minimize the use of plastic for this Eco Club, Electricity committee, NSS and Discipline committee were asked to take necessary steps.


The Practice

The data is collected for each program and reviewed. The results of this analysis are used to plan targets for the subsequent years. The institution in its practices has always been environment friendly; the campus has been highly sensitive to issues like Green Campus, climate change and environmental degeneration. It mainly concentrates on ‘Clean Campus - Green Campus’ and it is widely committed to promote an ambience of creativity. The NSS team takes care of maintaining neat environment in the college campus and the Gardeners take care of the lawn and plants in the college. Staff members, Students were asked to plant trees, Shramdan Diwas was celebrated, and tree plantation programs were organized in association with NSS .Plants were distributed and planted by chief guests during college programs.




Evidence of success


Some of the practices partaken are:
• Creating an eco-friendly and polythene/plastic free campus
• Recycling and composting activities adopted to develop eco-friendly mechanisms for the management of waste generated on the college campus; especially since garbage remains to have severely damaging effects on our environment.
• Spreading awareness amongst students to adopt hygienic practices on and off campus, to help the rural areas create healthy atmospheres and also to attain sustainability goals.
• Adopting rain water harvesting practices as an alternative source for water on campus. The concept of nature conservation is being promoted by using rainwater effectively.
• To maintain biodiversity one herbal garden is also developed by students.
• Scientific biodegradable waste management is done through vermicompost pits.
• Activities are done under the banner of Eco Club, such as the celebration of Environment Day. Students are given assignments as to survey all the plants and nourish them.
• The College has plans to provide solar power for energy conservation and use renewable energy. For the purpose of the same, a solar power plant has been ordered to HAREDA.
• Steps taken to minimize energy consumption, including the replacement of energy consuming tube lights and bulbs with energy saving CFLS.


Problems encountered and resources required

The college did not have much problem in implementing the above. Such practices are routinely used by the industry and corporate houses but are rarely used in academic institutions. So it needed some training and motivation to clearly explain the usefulness of these practices. The practice has been in place since last year and because of its immense benefits has been adopted throughout the college.


                        Best Practice -2


Title of the Practice:

Development of Professional Skills & Ethics


Objectives of the Practice:

Having a degree is no longer the only pre-requisite for getting a good job and succeeding at it. With globalisation, growing human connectivity, and vastness of resources available, one also needs to acquire themselves with values of morals, ethics, compassion, soft skills and measures of good behavior. Given the challenge of lack of exposure that the students might have given the locational disadvantage, as discussed in the Institutional weaknesses, these practices are designed to overturn that disadvantage and give our students an overall development experience.


The institute believes that a motivated Student can be a significant factor in institute’s success. When students are motivated to work at higher levels of their skills and abilities, the institute as a whole runs more efficiently and is more effective at achieving its objectives and goals. The college is situated in a place where most of the students are studying in Government schools and they may be the first generation learners. This program is a kind of eye opener and leads them to the path of Higher Education .All of the activities were greatly beneficial to the respective communities and to beØ sincerely commended, so that a deeper understanding was gained and demonstrated.


The Practice

Use of Computer and LCD Projector by the students for their group or individual presentations.

Use of Computer and LCD Projector in the classroom by the teachers.

Assignments requiring Use of Internet.

Use of Phone and SMS, Internet and Email to communicate.


The institution uses a management information system for running the programme.

There are evidences to show that feedback is used for development.

Necessary learning material and organizational arrangements are discerned and developed by teachers and utilized as part of regular practice.

Holding inter-disciplinary seminars, workshops, etc.

Library facilities

Increased awareness about the latest Rules and Regulations, both of the State and the Central Government


Evidence of success

To fosters educated professionals with the potential to take upon their jobs with good work ethics and necessary skills sets, we have adopted the following best practice measures:
• To increase the rate of employment success of the students, regular trainings sessions are conducted to develop essential soft skills like communication, team work, effective problem solving, and leadership; and also impart work ethics.
• Students are also encouraged to pursue internships during the vacations and acquire necessary professional experiences needed to make more informed decisions while deciding which path to follow upon the completion of their degrees.
• A college magazine is published yearly to motivate students to have the courage and confidence to have their talents published and engage in extracurricular activities for overall personality development.
• Practices of experimental learning are applied via the usage of various methods, such as, PowerPoint presentations, and Audio Visual Aids including screening of plays and documentaries, to help students organize their thinking process and build professional skills.
• Individualised mentoring is provided to students by their teachers, so they can think and increase their analysing capacity beyond the mere spectrum of right and wrong, and profit & loss.
• IQAC of the College plans guides and monitors the quality enhancement activities of the College to improve academic performance of the students. It creates a student centric atmosphere for holistic learning.

Problems encountered and resources required

1.     A general lack of motivation and unwillingness among the students to take sustained interest in the opportunities provided by the college.

2.      Improving the awareness and quality of students from under-privileged sections through remedial classes.

3.      To provide quality teaching without increasing the fee structure to benefit the underprivileged sections.

4.     The opportunity to get hands-on experience leading to employment was welcomed by the students. The success of their seniors was a strong motivational factor for the junior