Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions.

To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

1. Dr. Sudesh (Incharge )
2. Dr. Minaxi Sharma
3. Dr. Komal Malik
4. Dr. Ravinder
5. Sh. Deepak
6. Dr. Neha Rani
7. Dr. Geeta (Extension)
8. Ms. Varsha  B.A. III (Student Nominee)
9. Ms. Ravita B.A. III (Student Nominee)
        10. Mr. Rajesh Kumar (L.A)
        11. Dr. Sukhbir Duhan (Alumnus)
        12. Sh. Pardeep (Alumnus)
        13. Sh. Suresh (Industry Expert)

                                                          Feedback 1



         Student's feedback Proforma

1.      Does the environment of the college is peaceful?

                 Yes                                No

2.      Do you satisfied with the Infrastructural facilities provided in College

     Campus like Electricity Facility, Drinking water facility and parking facility?

                Yes                                      No

3.      Do you use the reading facilities available in the library of the college and Satisfied with it. ?

Yes                       No

4.      Do you feel motivated and facilitated with the different activities organized by various departments or subject societies (classroom activities),a Cultural cell, placement cell, women cell, legal literacy cell, Sports NSS?

                    Yes                                     No

5.      Do your teachers complete the subject course syllabus, Use ICT tools and are you satisfied with their teaching methodology?

                   Yes                                     No

6.      Do you satisfied with the Internal Assessment and Examination pattern followed by the University?


                 Yes                                     No

7.      Are the College Campus Staff helpful with administrative problems you face ?

     Yes                                          No

8.      Give some suggestions to develop the facilities available in the college for the student welfare if any ( in 50words).


                                                Name ……………………

                                                Roll No …………………

                                                Class …………………..

                                                                   Feedback 2

Government College Nalwa

Student Feedback Form for the Session ____________.


NAME: _____________________________CLASS: _______________ROLL NO.: ________________

UNIVERSITY ROLL NO.: _________________ RESULT OF LAST EXAM PASSED: Pass    /  Re-Appear

If Reappear, Number of Subjects in which Re-appear held: ____________

Please Rate on Five Points Scale, where; 1-Poor, 2 -Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-Excellent




Is the required number of titles/ books in your Subject available in the Library?

क्या पुस्तकालय में आपके विषय से सम्बंधित पुस्तकें आवश्यकतानुसार उपलब्ध हैं?


How is the system of cataloguing and arrangement of books in the Library?

पुस्तकालय में पुस्तकों को रखने पुस्तिका सूचीकरण का तरीका कैसा है?


Whether the availability of reading space in the Library is sufficient?

क्या पुस्तकालय में बैठकर पढने के लिए पर्याप्त स्थान उपलब्ध है?


Whether the library Staff is co-operative and helpful?

क्या पुस्तकालय के स्टाफ का व्यवहार सहयोगी प्रवृति का है?


Administration/Physical Infrastructure



Whether the college office is helpful and co-operative in administrative matters?

क्या प्रशासनिक कार्यों के सन्दर्भ में महाविद्यालय कार्यालय के कर्मचारियों का व्यवहार सहयोगी प्रवृति का है?


Are there sufficient numbers of class rooms available in the college?

क्या महाविद्यालय में कक्षाओं के लिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में कक्ष उपलब्ध हैं?


Whether the available classrooms are neat and clean?

क्या उपलब्ध कक्षा कक्ष साफ सुथरे हैं?


Is there proper light and ventilation available in the class rooms?

क्या उपलब्ध कक्षा कक्ष हवादार हैं तथा उनमें बिजली की पर्याप्त सुविधा उपलब्ध है?


How is the quality and availability of drinking water in the college?

महाविद्यालय में पीने के पानी उपलब्धता तथा उसकी गुणवत्ता कैसी है?


Whether the toilets are sufficient and well maintained?

क्या शौचालय पर्याप्त मात्रा में हैं तथा उनका रख रखाव सही है?


Whether the availability of Laboratories and Lab. Equipment is sufficient?  (Please enter NA if not applicable)

क्या प्रयोगशालाओं की उपलब्धता तथा उनमें मौजूद उपकरण पर्याप्त हैं? (यदि लागू हो तो कृपया NA पर tick करें)


Whether the availability of common rooms/ lawns in the campus is sufficient?

क्या महाविद्यालय परिसर में कॉमन रूम / लॉन पर्याप्त मात्रा में उपलब्ध हैं?


How do you rate the level of various co-curricular/ extra-curricular activities organized in the college?

आप अपने महाविद्यालय में आयोजित की जाने वाली सह पाठ्यक्रम/ पाठ्येतर गतिविधियों के स्तर का मूल्यांकन कैसे करेंगे?






Please Rate on Five Points Scale: 1 (Poor) 2 (Fair) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent)

Teacher Wise Feedback


Name of the Teachers

       1          2             3              4            5             6

Name of the Teachers  







Broad Field: Time Sense

Is the teacher punctual? क्या प्राध्यापक समय का पाबंद है?







Does the teacher regularly take the Classes?

क्या प्राध्यापक नियमित रूप से कक्षाएं लेता है?







Does the teacher complete syllabus in time? 

क्या प्राध्यापक समय पर पाठ्यक्रम पूरा करा देता है?







Dies the teacher regularly take assignments, class test, quizzes, etc.?

क्या प्राध्यापक नियमित रूप से assignments, class test, quizzes आदि का आयोजन करता है?







Broad Field: Subject Command

Does the teacher have command on subject? 

क्या प्राध्यापक की विषय पर पूरी पकड़ है?







Is the teacher Self-confident? क्या प्राध्यापक आत्म-विश्वासी है?







Is the teacher able to Communicate effectively? 

क्या प्राध्यापक प्रभावी तरीके से अपनी बात विद्यार्थियों तक पहुंचा पाता है?







Is the teacher conduct classroom discussions?

क्या प्राध्यापक कक्षा में परिचर्चा का आयोजन करता है?







How effective is the teaching methodology of the teacher?  प्राध्यापक का पढ़ाने का तरीका कितना प्रभावी है?







Broad Field: Helping Attitude

Does the teacher have helping approach towards varied academic interests of students?

क्या प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थियों की शैक्षणिक आवश्यकताओं के प्रति सहयोगी रवैया रखता है?







Does the teacher help students in providing study material which is not readily available in the text books?

क्या प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थियों को वह अध्ययन सामग्री उपलब्ध कराने में सहयोग करता है जो पाठ्य पुस्तकों में उपलब्ध नहीं है?







Does the teacher help students facing physical, emotional and learning challenges, in realizing career goals, in realizing their strengths and developmental needs?

क्या प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थियों की भौतिक, भावात्मक सीखने की चुनौतियों से लड़ने तथा जीवन के लक्ष्यों को पूरा करने में सहयोग करता है?







Does the teacher Inspire students for ethical conduct? क्या प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थियों को नैतिक व्यवहार के लिए प्रेरित करता है?







Does the teacher act as a role model?

क्या प्राध्यापक विद्यार्थियों के लिए एक आदर्श है?







                                                                                    Feedback 3

Govt College Nalwa
Students Information
Name *
Class *
Class Roll No. *
Mobile No. *
Email Id: *
College Name *
1. Family Details:
a) No of family members: *
b) No of family members beyond 60 years *
2. Food Supply
a) Are you getting free cooked food or dry food from govt. *
b) Are you getting daily use items like raw food materials, vegetables in your area from departmental stores. *
3. Source of family Income *
5. About your Studies:
a) Are you getting study material from your teachers *
b) How frequently your teachers interact with you? *
c) Are you learning and preparing for Exam? *
e) Are you comfortable if online exam conducted? *
f) Which Online medium which you like most for interacting with your teachers. *
g) Are you using whatsapp for interacting with your teacher? *
h) Are you using Shiksha setu app? *
i) Is Shiksha setu app helpful in your studies? *
j) Are you aware of LMS *
k) How many times your teachers interacted with you using online meeting apps like zoom or hangout during lockdown? *
l) Any feedback for teachers related to your study *
m) any other medium which your teachers using for interacting with you
Enter any other issue
Never submit passwords through Google Forms.

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Analysis report of feedback 1 and 2.  

Student Feedback Analysis Report 2019-20

From the feedback it is clear that the environment of the college is peaceful so that the students can concentrate on studies. They are satisfied with the reading material available in the college and the material provided by the staff .It is clear from the feedback that syllabus is completed well in time by the staff and the ICT tools and teaching methodologies used by them are also useful to the students. They also feel that the pattern of internal assessment and examination is also good. Various activities organised by different subject societies and departments also motivate them and they are also satisfied with the infrastructural facilities provided by the college. The students also feel that the staff are always ready to help them when they face any problem.

Analysis report of feedback 3

                                    Government College Nalwa (Hisar)

                             Students Feedback Analysis 2019-2020

On the basis of the feedback given by the students

1      We have received the family details and personal details of the student.

2.     The source of  income for their family is from salary , agriculture , private jobs and their 

         own business.

3.      Most of the students are satisfied with the materials and guidance provided to them by   

          the government.

4.      They purchase their daily use materials from government departmental store and near

          by  shops.

5.      They and their family member do not have any health issues or symptoms of covid-19.

6.      They received the online teaching material from college staff daily through WhatsApp,

          shiksha setu, YouTube link and email.

7.      Mostly students are comfortable with online teaching.

8.      All the students are aware of  the government learning  apps like shiksha setu, LMS, etc.

9.      The students interacted with the staff through WhatsApp, email and google meet

10.    Students learnt in both language Hindi and English.

11.    From the feedback it is clear that all the students are satisfied from college and govt.

         polices during lockdown and after lockdown.

12.    Some students replied that exam should not be conducted online.

13.    Feedback from students about teachers.

             1    Online lectures should be taken.

             2    Online doubt class should be taken.

             3    Getting more work than normal college days.

14.     Issues of students

                1. Unable to understand.

                2. No personal feeling.

                3. Not to Conduct exam in may.

                4. Language problem of study material.

                5. Use of Zoom and Hangout Apps.

                6. Unable to use Shiksha  Setu App.


Sr.NoFile NameUploaded DateView
1 AQAR report 201516 24/03/2021 View
2 AQAR report 201617 24/03/2021 View
3 AQAR report 201718 24/03/2021 View
4 AQAR report 201819 24/03/2021 View
5 Minutes of meeting and ATR 2020 24/03/2021 View
6 Feedback and analysis 2019 2020 24/03/2021 View
7 AQAR Report 2019 20 07/02/2022 View
8 Annual Plan and Report 2020 21 07/02/2022 View
9 Action Taken Report Feedback 2020 21 07/02/2022 View
10 Feedback Collected and Analysis 2020 21 07/02/2022 View
11 IQAC Meetings 2020 21 07/02/2022 View
12 IQAC Activities 2020 21 07/02/2022 View
13 AQAR20 21 20/12/2022 View
14 Report 21 22 01/03/2023 View
15 Annual plan 21 22 01/03/2023 View
16 Annual strategic plan 22-23 20/02/2024 View
17 Academic calender 20/02/2024 View
18 Feedback report and analysis 15/12/2024 View
19 Feedback report and analysis 15/12/2024 View